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melasmaMelasmais a very common patchy brown, tan, or blue-gray facial skin discoloration, almost entirely seen in women in the reproductive years. It typically appears on the upper cheeks, upper lip, forehead, and chin of women 20-50 years of age. Although possible, it is uncommon in males. Over 90% of those with melasma are women. It is thought to be primarily related to external sun exposure, external hormones like birth control pills, and internal hormonal changes as seen in pregnancy.Most people with melasma have a history of daily or intermittent sun exposure, although heat is also suspected to be an underlying factor. Melasma is most common among pregnant women, especially those of Latin and Asian descents. People with olive or darker skin, like Hispanic, Asian, and Middle Eastern individuals, have higher incidences of melasma.

An estimated 6 million women are living in the U.S. with melasma and 45-50 million women worldwide live with melasma. Prevention is primarily aimed at facial sun protection and sun avoidance. Treatment requires regular sunscreen application, medications such as 4% hydroquinone and fading creams.

If you have melasma, dermatologists recommend the following tips for achieving a more even skin tone:

Wear sunscreen daily: One of the most common treatments for melasma is sun protection. Since sunlight triggers melasma, it is important to wear sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days and after swimming or sweating. Choose a sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection, a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or more, and zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide to physically limit the effects of the sun’s rays on your skin. Apply sunscreen 15 minutes before going outside and reapply at least every two hours. Wear a wide-brimmed hat when you’re outside: Sunscreen alone may not give you the sun protection you need. Whenever possible, seek shade and wear protective clothing in addition to applying sunscreen. Choose gentle skin care products: Choose skin care products that don’t sting or burn, as products that irritate the skin may worsen melasma. Avoid waxing: Waxing may cause skin inflammation which can worsen melasma, so it’s important to avoid waxing areas of the body affected by the condition.

“Sometimes melasma will fade on its own, particularly if it is triggered by pregnancy or birth controls pills. After a woman has her baby or stops taking the birth control pills, melasma can fade. However, if your melasma does not go away or you want to keep taking birth control pills, come in todiscuss available treatments for melasma, such as prescription medications or in-office procedures.


Melasma is most common in women 20-50 years of age. Melasma looks like brown, tan, or blue-gray spots on the face (hyperpigmentation). Melasma is characterized by three location patterns (central face, cheekbone, and jawline). Melasma is caused partly by sun, genetic predisposition, and hormonal changes. The most common treatment is topical creams containing hydroquinone.

آدرس مطب : تهران ، یوسف آباد ، خیابان فتحی شقاقی ، بین بیستون و چهلستون ، مجتمع پزشکی شقایق
تلفن : 88724048 - 021

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